Fantastic marketing feedback from an Xposure Music Pro
Listened to your track and have some thoughts that I've outlined for you below. Feel free to reach out with any follow up questions.
1) Organizing Your Marketing Strategy: When devising a marketing plan the first thing to do is pinpoint your goals for the release. Are you eyeing special placements that you want this track to be on? Is it a viral moment you want to create? Is there a projected growth in your audience that you want to see post-release? I'd like you to identify those goals in a list and in sub-bullet points under each objective, identify key marketing plays that will help you get to that goal.
2) Identify Your Content Pieces: Obviously nowadays you can't have a strong strategy without visuals, so think of what that can look like and you can eventually break that down into macro and micro content to release across your socials.
3) Timeline: How long will you market your release prior to it coming out? For singles I recommend at least a 4 week lead time with a strong 6 week campaign post release. From there you can breakdown what each week will look like
Week 1: Announce Post
Week 2: Pre-Save/Song teaser, bts clips
Week 3: Social Activation #1
Week 4: Release/Social Seeding: music accounts/ influencers
4) Marketing Activations: These activations can include anything from influencer outreach, community outreach, merch release, social seeding. Identify what those activations will be and place them in your timeline from above to execute
5) Ad Spend: Spending Money on social media ads is beneficial so using whatever metrics you have access to, target your top markets for a first round of adds. Use your second round of ad spend for retargeting based on the results of your initial round of ads.
General ideas:
1) Re-create (Song Title) magazine covers like Puff on Vibe Mag or Zuckerburg on Business Insider Mag and put it together as a digital lookbook post release.
2) In-store activations: Hit up your local small businesses to see if you can add your track to their in store playlist. If you can also get short videos of the track playing in stores, you can use that content to post across your socials.
3) Tap in with women and men that follow you and ask them to submit a story about a boss moment where they didn't let someone ruin their day or stop them from achieving their dreams. Take their story and create a blurb on your socials by re-creating the (Song Title) cover art you have, but with their animated picture and include an audio blurb with that.
4) Hit up (Artist's city)-based music platforms for advertisement (if you haven't already), like (IG accounts) and so forth.
5) Influencers: Identify influencers who are self-made/their own boss to record a video to your sound once you have it uploaded to Tik Tok, Triller, Reels etc. Maybe the idea is simply a video of them killing it at their job (i.e. a contractor laying dry wall, a music teacher giving lessons). Really amplifying the (Song Title) aspect in the song.
6) If this is a big focus track for you you can go so far as to create a special (Song Title) x (Artist Name) merch line for a limited time. Collaborations are one of many pillars to use when creating a big moment around something. There may be a lane where you can find a local artist with a following or small designer business to collab with to make this kind of boss merch line
7) Remixes. Something at (Pro's Company) that we have been leaning into a lot more and one of our artists going viral because of it. What alternative versions can you make with this? Off the top of my head, getting guitar players to replay that sample in the beginning and kind of freestyle with their own licks can provide an opportunity to get the attention of a different audience.
8) Timing: Boss appreciation day is October 16th. Further down the line but gives opportunity to plan bigger activations and also tie the song into a national day.
9) Live performance: This is obvious but should be listed as well. Perform this live every chance you get. Have you performed before? Are you in touch with the venues in the (Artist's City) area that are prime spots for up-and-coming talent? Let me know if you are, if not I can give you more insight about where to connect
Basically, milk the (Song Title) topic of this song as much as possible. If that is the theme you are going for.
The track is good. I would love to hear more punch behind the snare + shorter intro. It doesn't scream "breakout moment" just from hearing it. But it's all about perception. It can be turned into a hit if your rollout is on point.
Feel free to follow up with an email to (Pro personal email) with a detailed description of what the track is about and what goals you are trying to hit + your artist one sheet if you have one. This will allow me to build out these plans further and in detail to reflect the story you are trying to share with this.